Is The GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Compatible With Premiere Pro 14.8?

Like most software companies, Adobe keeps a list of Premiere Pro’s system requirements that may be used to check whether the hardware in your system is compatible with their program. So, Is The GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Compatible With Premiere Pro 14.8? But most “system requirements” listings typically include the bare minimum of hardware needed to run the software, not the gear that will perform at its peak.

These listings occasionally contain outdated gear, outdated hardware revisions, or defective hardware. Due to the unpredictability of these lists, Puget Systems runs and publishes its detailed hardware benchmarks to guarantee that the systems we sell are optimally suited for Premiere Pro.

Even better, you can read and carefully review our tests in our Premiere Pro hardware articles, so you don’t have to take our word for what to buy. We have a list of hardware for Premiere Pro that we suggest based on all of our testing. But first, here is a brief list of frequently asked questions.

Is The GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Compatible With Premiere Pro 14.8?

Yes! With Apple’s dedicated hardware encoding and software optimizations, it will be much more than 1650 for professional workloads and video editing. It shares that your GPU isn’t trying to work with only 4GB of VRAM. You should look at the reviews of the Premiere Pro 14.8 and consider an 8-16 GB model (depending on how large the files you are working with).

GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Compatible With Premiere Pro 14.8

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

Based on the Turing architecture, the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 for laptops is a mobile graphics card (TU117 chip). The RTX 2060 and other RTX 2000 GPUs are faster, but neither Raytracing nor Tensor cores are integrated into 1650. Performance ought to be marginally quicker than the previous GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.

The GTX 1650 may utilize all 1024 shaders of the TU117 processor in comparison to the desktop model, while there are also versions with 896 shaders. As an update, the GTX 1650 is offered starting in March 2020 with quick 12 Gbit GDDR6 graphics memory (N18P-G61, 896 shaders).

In addition to introducing raytracing for RTX GPUs, the Turing generation significantly improved the design of the cores and caches. Nvidia claims that the CUDA cores now allow for the parallel execution of floating-point and integer operations for improved performance in workloads that demand a lot of computation in modern games.

Additionally, the caches were updated (new unified memory architecture with twice the cache compared to Pascal) Compared to Pascal these resulted in the utilization of 40% less power and 50% more instructions per clock.

The TU117 lacks the new NVENC encoder compared to the larger Turing chips (such as the TU116 of the GTX 1660 Ti and the RTX series) instead of using an older encoder like those found in Pascal and Volta.

Nvidia has specified the power consumption of 1650 for laptops at 50 Watt TGP (Total Graphics Power), which is 15 Watt more than the effective (but slower) Max-Q variant of 1650. TSMC produces the TU117 chip in 12nm FFN.

What Type Of Storage Drive Should I Use For Premiere Pro?

For a workstation for video editing, you may choose an SSD, an NVMe drive, or a conventional platter drive. Traditional platter drives are the slowest of all three but are also the cheapest and come in far higher capacities than SSD or NVMe drives.

As a result, they make good long-term storage devices but are typically not the best for working directly. Despite being more expensive, SATA SSDs are far faster than platter drives. These drives are great for various jobs, including holding your operating system and apps, keeping material and projects you’re working on right now, or acting as a cache or scratch drive.

What Type Of Storage Drive Should I Use For Premiere Pro

The M.2 and U.2 varieties of NVMe SSDs are substantially quicker than even an SSD drive. They are up to twelve times faster than an SSD, but they cost a little more.

However, a regular SSD is already fast enough to be a performance bottleneck rarely; thus, in most circumstances; you won’t notice much of a performance improvement with an NVMe drive. Having your video on an NVMe disk is normally only advised for Premiere Pro when working with high bitrate footage (2,000 Mbps or higher).

What Storage Configuration Works Best In Premiere Pro?

We advise at least three drives, with the size and kind of the drives being determined by your budget and desired degree of performance:

What Storage Configuration Works Best In Premiere Pro

OS & Applications (SSD Or NVMe)

This option includes the base Premiere Pro installation and your operating system. Although an SSD is strongly advised because it will significantly speed up how quickly the OS and programs launch, you may also upgrade to a faster NVMe drive for a marginal performance boost.

Project Files (NAS, SSD, or NVMe)

It is primarily to keep project files and assets on separate drives for organizational purposes. Still, it makes things simpler if you ever need to recover or reinstall your operating system. Since each necessary file has its drive, your files should be safe even if your OS gets faulty.

Depending on your budget and whether you require it to manage the bitrate of your source media for your workflow, you can often choose between using an SSD or an NVMe drive for your project files. Another choice is a fast network storage device, particularly if you have to share access with other company users.

Media Cache & Scratch (NVMe)

For the cache/scratch files, we strongly advise utilizing an NVMe drive by default, but if doing so would put you over budget; a normal SATA SSD can still complete the task. Playing and navigating through compositions can enhance performance by having a dedicated disk for your media cache and scratch files.

Additionally, it separates high-stress cache and scratch files from other data, ensuring that the only data lost in a drive failure is transitory information that can be quickly recovered by your applications as needed.

Optional Storage Drives (SSD or HDD)

Aside from the three drives mentioned previously, some users choose to include additional drives in their system. Multiple drives for their project files and assets might be used, or a conventional HDD could serve as a backup/archival layer before the data is copied to an external drive or an offsite backup.

Can You Edit A Premiere Pro Project From An External Drive?

Technically speaking, you could store your projects and video clips on an external drive and edit right there. But our clients frequently report this as one of the root reasons for performance and stability problems.

We strongly advise having an internal drive that is big enough to allow you to copy all of your data to a local drive before editing. External drives are excellent for backup and archiving but are not recommended for use as a workstation.


In the nutshell, Is The GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Compatible With Premiere Pro 14.8? Your card is quite good, but it depends on what you plan to do with it. If you plan to do light editing, such as adding effects or want to create an AMV with many effects, you might experience some lag.

I think getting a GTX 1660 or 1650 is the best option. If your RAM is above 8GB, you can also try a GTX 750. If you experience lag, try Sony Vegas Pro 16. It will be far faster than 1650, thanks to Apple’s dedicated hardware encoding and software enhancements for professional workloads like video editing.

Your GPU isn’t stymied by the limitation of 4GB of VRAM because that memory is pooled and used by multiple processes. You should check out the Premiere Pro 14.8’s ratings and think about getting an 8-16GB version (depending on how large the files you are working with).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you run Premiere Pro on your GPU?

To improve performance, Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Media Encoder can use the GPUs present on your system to split the processing burden between the CPU and the GPU.

Can the GTX 1650 Ti render 3D images?

Yes. If you can find a 1650 Super graphics card for $300 or less, it is a very good one.

Can I edit videos on a 1660 TI?

So in response to your query, unless you run a special plugin that will use CUDA, a 1660ti would be sufficient for video editing but is unnecessary (GPU).

Has the GTX 1050 Ti been retired?

ASUS maintains that NVIDIA never stopped making the GTX 1050 Ti. Nevertheless, a merchant in Australia told Tech YES City that it hadn’t received any GTX 1050 Ti cards in more than two years. Unfortunately, the GTX 1050 Ti has not returned to its 2016 MSRP.

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